Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Little Bird Told Me

Students are doing fantastic with this week's grammar review.  During one project, students applied their knowledge of dialogue to create a talking bubble for an early spring-time bird.  Students really enjoyed creating these "tweets!"  


This week we've been reviewing unit 4 for reading, spelling and grammar.  After reviewing idioms, students were able to illustrate an idiom using clay.  I've got my eye on that piece of cake! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hip Hip Hooray, For It's Almost Dr. Seuss' Birthday!

What an inspiring quote from Dr. Seuss!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Students enjoyed listening to "The BFG" during fruit snack, as a read aloud.  Now that we've finished the book, I've created a book report decahedron, as shown above.  This is a model for students to see what a book report decahedron looks like.  Students will be able to create their very own based on an independent reading book.  I can't wait to get started and share!  What a blast this will be! 

Who Let the Dogs Out?

To reinforce understanding of contractions, students made "contraction dogs".  The contraction can be seen when the dog is folded in the middle.  Students loved creating their very own contraction dog while practicing where to place the apostrophe.  Well done class! 

Don't Forget!

Students were able to make this graphic organizer to help them remember the four rules when dividing by 0 and 1.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Click the link above to view our Prezi about Exploring America, which we'll discuss in class during Heritage Studies. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Thought Bubbles

I'm excited to introduce the "thought bubble"!  On each thought there are questions pertaining to PLOT, author's purpose, predictions, and making connections.  I will incorporate this into our reading routine so students can review and apply learned skills like inferring, drawing conclusions, retelling, determining author's purpose, etc...  each week.


Students created a pair of pears using spelling word homophones!  Each student picked a homophone such as "beet" and "beat" or "sale" and "sail" and wrote the homophone on the top of a pear.  Then students illustrated their homophone in the middle and wrote a sentence for their homophone on the bottom of the pear.  Afterwards, students shared their pair of pears.  This is a great kinesthetic, visual, and auditory activity for students to practice understanding homophones.  

1 Thessalonians 5:11
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

I pray you are encouraged through this short video!

PIE Anyone?

Be Mine?

Students applied their knowledge of author's purpose (Persuade, Inform, Entertain) to writing a short Valentine's Day story.  Students incorporated the candy heart messages into their writing to add a little fun!  (This wonderful idea was adapted from my internship class!)  Students truly enjoyed writing with these hearts and they turned out sweet! 


Some sweet treats for some sweet students!  Thank you PTFA for supplying these beautiful heart-shaped donuts!

What Will You Do To Show Your Love?

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

God demonstrates his love.  As a class, we brainstormed ways we can demonstrate our love towards others.  We listed these actions on the board and then students wrote down their own actions on note cards.  Everyone was able to create seven love actions and then we stapled them together to make a "What I'll Do For Love" book.  Students really enjoyed connecting the concept of love with tangible actions!

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

After reading through the "love" chapter in 1 Corinthians, we identified all the adjectives that tell about God's love towards us.  Then students recorded the words on red hearts.  I hung them from the ceiling for Valentine's Day and it was beautiful! 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Warm Welcome

Each student is not only special to GCCS, but also in the sight of the Lord.  He calls us the "apple of his eye" and loves us dearly!  You are a beloved son or daughter in Christ - you are His valentine!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

School House Rock - The Preamble

  The Preamble is a statement of why the Constitution was written.  The Preamble is like an introduction because it comes first.  Then the Articles, or laws, are listed.  Enjoy this catchy video that recites the Preamble to our Constitution.     

Compare & Contrast

In reading we're expanding and reinforcing the skill of comparing and contrasting characters, settings, and events in a story.  I've integrated our Heritage Studies curriculum into our reading rotations.  Students learned more about the government while practicing comparing and contrasting.  Through cooperative work, students found similarities and differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate.  Students then recorded their similarities and differences on the venn diagram. 

Happy 100 Days of School!

Congratulations students, parents(s) and guardian(s)!  

Students were able to celebrate the day by sharing either their 100 items, a 100 piece mosaic, or a shirt decorated with 100 things.  Here is an example of my shirt with 100 of our vocabulary and spelling words!  All students did a fantastic job!

What will you look like when you're 100?  Students were able to write a short story about themselves when they are 100 years old.  Then each students was able to create a portrait of themselves to accompany their writing!  What a fun and cute way to celebrate 100 days of school!  Here's a sample:

Our attitude should be like that of Christ Jesus

When we're in the dry desert times of life or when we're gleaning Christ's blessings, Philippians 2 tells us how we should align our responses.  Our character, our attitude, our mindset should be the same as Jesus.  How do we train our minds & attitudes to be similar to Christ?  We can do this through Christ's power as He speaks to us in the Word - daily.  Not only are we to hear God's word, but we're to act upon it through faith.  One example is to serve others, just like Jesus did.  By doing this we can maintain the character, attitude, and mindset of Christ Jesus.  Amen.

Drawing Conclusions

After modeling how to make a conclusion about a character from our "Community Works" story, students were able to try finding clues to make their own conclusion about the teacher in the story, Mr. Turner.