Monday, January 28, 2013

What's In the Bag?


Students were able to apply their knowledge of making inferences to this "What's In the Bag?" activity.  Students then used their inference to summarize the citizen's profession with details.  

On Display

Students were able to make their own anchor chart of the multiplication properties: identity, zero, and distributive.  Having the vocabulary terms on display is a great visual, created by students, to impact meaningful learning! 

Practical Prefixes!

Students were able to organize their learning of prefixes (a word part added to the beginning of a word to make a new word) into a fun foldable!  Prefixes are on the front, their meaning on the inside blue flap, and examples are on the orange paper underneath the blue flap.  This is a great way for students to really engage, apply, remember, and share prefixes!

Proverbs 4:11-13

What beautiful truth, and I pray you are encouraged today through it!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Chain, Chain, Chain

Linking verbs connect, or link, the subject to the predicate in a sentence and they usually don't show action.  Students were able to identify the subject, linking verb, and predicate in a sentence.  Then students were able to write the subject and predicate on a yellow strip of paper.  The linking verb was written on a green strip of paper.  We "linked" the subject and predicate together with the linking verb - creating a chain sentence!  

Order! Order!

Yes, you've guessed it!  We did more sequencing practice today.  Students were able to work with a partner to identify, discuss, sequence, and describe in writing the chronological order of these pictures.  What a great reinforcement activity of learned skills in Unit 3.  Excellent work students! 

Fun with Spelling!

To review Unit 3 spelling words, students used shaving cream and their finger to spell the words on their desks.  What a blast!    

Students were able to sequence their daily morning routines before coming to school on a foldable.  We've been putting events in a story in order, so this was a great reinforcement activity that students enjoyed.  On the back, quick sketches illustrate what students do first, next, then, and last.  

Friday, January 18, 2013

Compare and Contrast 

Students have been practicing how to compare and contrast characters, settings, and plots in a story as well as across texts.  Today, in light of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we compared and contrasted his "I Have a Dream" speech to Langston Hughes' "Dreams" poem.  Do you know how they're alike?  How they're different? 

Isaiah 58:11

This week, students were able to practice sequencing their memory verse using kinesthetic, visual, and auditory learning skills.  Students had to work together to unscramble the words to Isaiah 58:11 and then arrange it in order.  I am so proud of how well they worked together, completing the activity as a team all the while memorizing their weekly scripture verse!

Who's House?

In our reading theme this week, we learned how to compare and contrast characters, settings, and events in a story.  We also discussed and analyzed diagrams.  Therefore, students were able to make their very own Gallon House.  We learned that in 1 gallon there's 4 quarts.  And 2 pints are in 4 quarts, and 2 cups in a pint.  How magnificent! 

A New Year of Hope and Restoration

Jeremiah 17:7-8

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.  He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's Growing!

Our word wall is flourishing with new vocabulary each week!  I am excited to see the growth in each student's expanded vocabulary - orally and written!  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


What does it mean to be thankful?  Thankfulness is showing appreciation to God or others for what they have done for you.  We are learning about the life of Joseph during our daily Bible lessons.  We've learned that Joseph's brothers are jealous of him because of the visions God reveals to Joseph.  His brothers didn't show thankfulness, rather, they displayed jealousy.  But the life of Joseph gives us hope that God has a great plan for each one of our lives! 

Students were able to identify, discuss, and write down specific people, places or things that they are thankful for.  "I am thankful for _______ because ________."  After placing our thankful cards on the chart paper, students were able to share with the class.  This helped to build and strengthen our "family".  What beautiful responses!

Pizza, Anyone?

In our reading unit 3 last week, we studied sequencing - putting the events in a story in order.  After shared reading, students were able to practice sequencing by ordering the steps of how to make a pizza.  We used our key words such as: first, next, then, last.  We sure did work up an appetite!    

The Bible is our book of Life and is useful for teaching, rebuking and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).  Therefore, I am incorporating this verse into our every day speech by practicing building each other up with encouraging words and not argumentative words!     

Buzz Words

This week's spelling lesson covers words with /o/, as in taught, for example.  This week's words are tricky because there are several different ways to spell the /o/ sound in words such as:

So, for additional practice using the spelling words, students did a quick write sentence using at least two spelling words.  Students had a blast, as they creatively wrote a silly sentence to entertain.  Enjoy!

Science:  Rocks and Minerals

Do you know the rock cycle?  Students were able to color and label a graphic organizer of the rock cycle.  This hands-on activity really engaged students and increased their understanding of how the rocks change form and contribute to the cycle.  Their work was so beautiful, I had to show it off! 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I just thought I'd share this amazing Word from a daily devotional by Jon Courson.  A re-occuring theme throughout the Bible is God's deep love for us - not based on what we've done or haven't done, but based upon Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.  He just requires that we come to him, lay it down, and expect Him to work good in our lives!  Lord, do that work in our hearts today, draw us closer to you!

Science:  Rocks Unit

Students really enjoyed this video about the types of rocks and minerals that we're studying this week!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I've introduced a new activity for students this semester.  On the bulletin board above the classroom library, students are encouraged to write down the title and author of their favorite books.  Students place the strip of paper in their cup so other students can see what "good picks" others have found!  


This week we are brushing up on sequencing.  Students are able to find key words (such as first, next, then, last; after, before) to identify the correct order in which events occur.  We read the story "Draw!" today and practiced on the white board all together.  

A New Acronym for a New Year

Students are learning to display JOY, by putting Jesus first, others second, and yourself last.  

Welcome Back! 

2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

 I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a joyful New Year!  I pray for good health, safety, and the Lord's guidance for each family as we venture into this new year!